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GESTIMED Jun 5, 2019

Activities for the World Day without Tobacco Smoke

With informative modules and small informative conferences, the aim is to avoid tobacco consumption in the school

With the collaboration of the services of Pulmonology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and some groups of GESTIMED, the activities of the School of Medicine were carried out in the Multipurpose Auditorium World Day without Tobacco Smoke where students and groups such as CARDIOS, SUOPAD, GEORL and STROKE presented the effects of smoking use on human health, as well as measures to prevent smoking.

The Marco Antonio Hernández Guedea, DM; Subdirector de Asistencia Hospitalaria, en representación del Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM; Director de la Facultad de Medicina y Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González”, felicitó a todos los involucrados en el evento y llevó a cabo la inauguración del foro. El Dr. Guillermo Jacobo Baca; Secretario de Asuntos Estudiantiles de la Facultad de Medicina, estuvo presente respaldando a los estudiantes pertenecientes a GESTIMED.

The following information was included in the talks:

  • It was mentioned that the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control leads to a world free of tobacco smoke and also entered into force since February 27, 2005, with Mexico being the first Latin American country to sign the Convention.
  • It was emphasized that smoking is a chronic addictive disease with frequent relapses, beginning mostly in adolescence and predisposing to multiple diseases, disability and death.
  • Smoking causes more than 10 types of cancer, heart and brain attacks, premature aging, COPD - emphysema, abortion and fetal harm, damage to those around the smoker.
  • Lung cancer is the most lethal cancer and caused by smoking; It is the leading cause of cancer death in the world and in Mexico with 1.6 million and 74,685 annual deaths respectively.

In the forum they were present exposing:

  • Dr. Roberto Mercado Longoria, Head of the Pneumology and Critical Medicine Service, University Hospital, UANL
  • Dr. Luis Adrián Rendón Pérez, Professor of the Pneumology and Critical Medicine service
  • Dr. Erik Joel Rendón, Professor of the Pneumology and Critical Medicine service
  • Dr. Uriel Chavarría Martínez, Professor of the Pneumology and Critical Medicine service
  • José Luis Cayón Crosswell, Bilateral lung transplant recipient for COPD secondary to smoking
  • Dr. Gerardo Velazco Castañón
  • Biologist Roberto Chavarría

Communication and Media, School of Medicine U.A.N.L.