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Museum Room Oct 26, 2018

Dialogue table Testimonies of the Museum

On the 25th anniversary of the Museum Room (1993-2018), a panel was held made up of people who have participated in the cultural evolution of this heritage

En el marco del 25 aniversario de la Sala Museo (1993-2018), el día de ayer a las 10 horas, se llevó a cabo un panel integrado por personas que han participado en el devenir cultural de este acervo. La mesa estuvo moderada por la Lic. Verónica Gallegos (encargada de las colecciones de la sala) quien replicó a cuatros panelistas invitados, quienes hicieron uso de la palabra en el orden siguiente: Dr. Luis Cavazos Guzmán (ex profesor de la materia Introducción a la Medicina), Prof. Armando Hugo Ortiz Guerrero (ex coordinador de la sala), Dra. Brenda Nohemí Lozano y Dr. Guillermo Robledo (ambos mediadores y guías durante su pregrado) y el José Antonio Olvera Sandoval, MA; Coordinador de la Sala Museo “Dr. Ángel Óscar Ulloa Gregori”.

The session began after having projected an allusive video at 25 years of the museum room and the exhibitions, as well as the debate, went around to question the panelists: their relationship with the Hall, the role it plays in the community student and general, how the medical students perceive this museum as a complement to their teaching, what they would highlight from the 25 years and how they saw the future of this cultural space, unique in its kind in the whole north of the country.

This is the first of several activities that are planned to be carried out throughout the holiday.

Communication and Media, School of Medicine U.A.N.L.