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School Dec 11, 2019

Event of the 3rd Activity Report 2019

Principal of the School of Medicine completes 3 years at the head of the directorate

El pasado 10 de Diciembre en el Auditorio Polivalente, el Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM; Director de la Facultad de Medicina y Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González”, dio por terminado el año 2019 en la Facultad de Medicina y Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González” de la UANL, con la presentación del 3° Informe de Actividades que compendió el presente año.

A 3 años al frente de la dirección, el Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM; agradeció a las autoridades presentes; junta directiva, universitarios, sociedad de alumnos y en general a la comunidad de la institución.

” Los logros alcanzados han sido producto de las acciones emprendidas de manera responsable por nuestra comunidad. Agradezco a nuestros profesores por su compromiso hacia la mejora continua, a los estudiantes por aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades”, indicó el Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM.

Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM.

During the course of the event, the most relevant achievements were recognized, as well as innovations in the hospital, laboratories, student exchanges, and new programs of all sub-directorates that include:

  • Subdirectorate of Undergraduate Studies of the Bachelor of Medical Surgeon-Obstetrician
  • Subdirectorate of Undergraduate Studies of the Bachelor of Chemistry Clinical-Biologist
  • Subdirectorate of Hospital Assistance
  • Subdirectorate of Postgraduate Studies
  • Subdirectorate of Investigation
  • Subdirectorate of Planning, Development and Quality
  • Subdirectorate of Continuing Education
  • Subdirectorate of Community Assistance
  • Subdirectorate of Surrogate Medical Services
Academic Staff, Professors and Authorities

In this way, those present at the report witnessed all the results achieved based on work, responsibility and all those who are committed to the transformation of the institution and honest performance.

Finally, the Report concluded with a message from the Director, thanking and wishing everyone a pleasant holiday of peace, celebrating the end of the year holidays, in the company of the family and 2020 being a better start for all.

Communication and Media, School of Medicine U.A.N.L.