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School Dec 3, 2018

Chemist's Day celebration with gala dinner

On Saturday, December 1, a gala dinner was held on Chemist's Day

As a culmination of the various events held by the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Bachelor of Clinical Chemist Biologist, a gala dinner was held for the Day of the Chemist.

The Noemí Herminia Waksman Minsky, DSc; Subdirectora de Estudios de Pregrado de la Licenciatura de Químico Clínico Biólogo, agradeció en su mensaje de clausura agradeció a todos los presentes así como al Comité de Festejos el apoyo en todos los eventos realizados durante este año.

A review of them was projected in a video. An exquisite dinner was tasted, the cake was broken, there was a raffle and all the students, teachers and graduates left very happy with the Dinner-Dance.

Se agradece al Edelmiro Pérez Rodríguez, DM; Director de la Facultad de Medicina y Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González”, todo el apoyo recibido para esta licenciatura y para llevar a cabo estas celebraciones.

Communication and Media, School of Medicine U.A.N.L.