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Medical Surgeon-ObstetricianUndergraduate Rotary Internship

he Undergraduate Internship is a teaching process through which basic and clinical knowledge is integrated, applied jointly, using cognition in the development of the skills and abilities, for the conformation of an attitude in the affective area of the student's interest and professional development in the practice of medicine, Complementing in this way the instruction acquired in the different academic cycles that make up the curriculum of the career of Degree in Medicine and prepares the student to perform medical-surgical activities during their social service successfully.


Be able to solve health problems that compete to a General Physician or of first contact and to have the theoretical-practical knowledge that allows the intern to deepen the study and practice of the medical specialty of your choice.


The undergraduate internship of the Degree in Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon program relies on several areas:

  • Integrate knowledge gained in the previous school cycles and apply them to the study and care of patients.
  • Obtain skills and abilities through the practice of clinical competencies to the degree of mastering what corresponds to the solution of problems of first level of care.
  • Train the undergraduate intern in abilities and skills that they will develop during their Social Service.
  • Provide the internal surroundings in the operational framework of the important medical specialties to then decide, based on the experiences lived, what activities or specialty they will perform in their professional lives.
  • Increase the commitment to human values and ethical principles of medical practice.

The program provides an adequate environment and educational experiences so that the interns can demonstrate such competencies.


The undergraduate internship is immersed in the 4th, 5th, and 6th year of the Degree in Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon.

  • “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of the UANL.
  • “Dr. Bernardo Sepúlveda” Metropolitan Hospital of the Ministry of Health.
  • Maternal-Child Regional Hospital.
  • Community Practice through the Program PROUNISEV.

The rotations will be carried out in the following services:

  • General Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Emergency medicine.
  • Epidemiology

The undergraduate internship is integrated into the activities of the teams of the different services to have their rotation where medical care, teaching, and research activities will be developed. In medical care, the student is actively involved in the care of patients in different clinical areas. Teaching includes participation in group sessions, and research in the elaboration of scientific, clinical, and epidemiological work related to health.